Version history

WinLpt-0.2.8 (Build 13) Released

* New: Debugger for scripts. Just use F12 keyboard key

* Misc: 2 debuggers for ASCII and UNICODE scripts

* Misc: Name WndLpt changed to WinLpt

### Tools ###

* Fixed: The Stroboscope tool: Pause now updated during change by keyboard

WndLpt-0.2.7.ext (Build 12)

* New: WndLpt SDK

* New: Syntax: random call Function1 Function2 Function3

* New: Syntax: random jump Label1 Label2 Label3

* New: Syntax: 00??00??00?? ; ? - bit randomized during runtime

* New: Syntax: ? (3,4,7,8,11,12) ; bits randomized during runtime

* Improvement: Syntax: call Func1 Func2 Func3 Func4 to call all functions in series

### SDK ###

* New: Library wndlpt_remap.dll to remap lpt pins (templates for C++ and Delphi)

* New: Project wndlpt_gate is template (C++, VB.NET) for using WndLpt as gate to direct access to the LPT port

### Tools ###

* New: The Stepdrive tool with any custom handling systems

WndLpt-0.2.7 (Build 11)

* New: Support AIMP3 (experimental)

### Tools ###

* Fixed: Tools LPT Buttons, Stroboscope, EasyDrive now can work in Windows Vista/Seven/7

* New: LPT Buttons: User can modify position of buttons

* New: EasyDrive: Buttons to do direct steps. New handling systems

WndLpt-0.2.6 (Build 9)

* Fixed: Pin 2, 3, 4 labels confusion at the "Pins" tab (from 0.2.5)

* Fixed: Work with mouse on digital buttons of virtual keyboard

### Tools ###

* New: The LPT Button tool

* New: The Stroboscope tool

* New: The EasyDrive tool

WndLpt-0.2.5 (Build 8)

* New: Filter adjustment (by right click on filter checkbox)
* Fixed: Launcher for players in Windows Vista and 7
* Fixed: Support Win 98/ME
* New: Tab "Manual" - check box "Arrows like 1, 2, 3, 4"
* New: Tab "Manual" - check box "Not fix digital buttons"
* New: Response to 5 LPT inputs "test i 1"
* New: Reaction to 12 LPT outputs "test q 8"
* New: Reaction to all LPT pins "test pin 15"
* New: Syntax: test <i | q | pin> <number>
* New: Branches: jz <labes>, jnz <label>
* New: Tower clock emulation "cmd enable_clock 1"
* New: Set state as decimal "$ 95"
* New: Set state as hex "$ 5Fh", "$ 0xFED"


* New tabs: Manual, Pins, Settings
* New: "cmd enable_music 1"
* New: "cmd music_preset [=] [+|–] number"
* New: "shift [=] [+|–] number"
* Fixed: "cmd switch_to_music"
* New: WndLpt Plugin for WMP
* New: Now "wndlpt.exe" is launcher for "vis_wndlpt.dll"


* New: vis_wndlpt.dll plugin for Winamp 5
* New: vis_wndlpt.dll plugin for WMP 10 (Windows Media Player)
* New: vis_wndlpt.dll plugin for AIMP2
* New: Select Source sound for Visualization
* New: Vis: Auto recording level
* New: Vis: Mono/Stereo mode
* New: Vis: Filter mode
* New: Changing number of LEDs


* New: Music Visualization
* New: Preview LEDs


* New: Command line support
* New: Documentation added (wiki)
* Fixed: Bug with comments //


* New: Windows Vista/Seven support
* New: x64 support


* New: New Kernel
* New: Dynamic Compilation
* New: Taskbar icon
* New: Simultaneous executing limited
* New: Trace mode
* Improved: New commands added
* Misc: Old scripts capability


* Experimental version
* Easy algorithm